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MOTIV Personality Trait Descriptions
Thinking (Logical)
High scoring Thinking testimonials Low scoring Thinking testimonials |
I value what happens and why things work. I enjoy learning and helping others do the same. Pro: objectivity, yearning for knowledge con: don't listen to feelings, come off harsh, difficulty talking about feelings M-11 O-88 T-94 I-88 V-72 I come from a largely irrational family,so I feel like I've tried to be more rational as a reaction to that. My father is emotional & relies on gut instinct, and though many people praise him on that, it has never led to significant or consistent rewards. I think I can be too rigid at times and tend to over-analyze things, often delaying what is eventually an obvious decision. On the good, I don't mind gathering information by researching or consulting more experienced people before making important decisions. I'm also a realist, which I think helps me be able to trust my insticts. M-77 O-77 T-100 I-77 V-55 My mother is very illogical and I have always been the one taking care of my siblings. I like problems to have a solution and I need to feel in control of a bad situation by trying to come up with a logical plan. Pros: I am a problem solver, I can help friends family Cons: I don't know how to deal with problems I cannot solve like death etc and I end up getting depressed. I also feel very tired from looking after so many situations. M-61 O-11 T-94 I-72 V-22 I think I scored high on the logical reward drive because I can't help it. Its not that being logical makes me happy, its just automatic. My father was a brilliant engineer and I have a Master's degree in Chemistry. Illogical people and especially their communication with me is extremely frustrating. I cannot understand why others sometimes refuse to consider a logical explanation or course of action and usually avoid these people and situations altogether. I am also an artist and I'm very passionate about it which isn't logical whatsoever and I struggle with this. It seems there are obvious benefits from being logical in that I feel the results of my decisions serve my purpose in life and I'm very good at problem solving when allowed to take the lead. M-61 O-77 T-83 I-44 V-38 I scored highest in the Logical reward drive. I that's because everything is unstable, and if I can figure out the complexities in life then I won't have to rely on as much first-hand experience in order to learn. However, I do believe in learning by experience. That's more recent, though, wanting to follow my gut and make some mistakes. M-55 O-77 T-88 I-61 V-44 As to why logical reward is needed: If there is not a reason as to "why" things happen, scientifically, religiously, etc., life is too arbitrary, meaningless. Life needs to have meaning for me; life seems to have meaning, direction "signs" for me. It would be hard to be a "good" (compassionate, empathetic, generous) person if life did not have meaning, therefore every action, result or solution must have a logical reason for happening. Example: serial killers have a chemical imbalance, this is why they kill people, not because they are "bad". People who are tortured either did something in this life or will be rewarded in the next that will balance this pain, karma. Logic is a puzzle, and I must solve the puzzle in order for the world to make sense. Pros: at peace with existence and opposing beliefs. Cons: others misunderstand logic as idealism or in fact irrationalism; those with high regard for money, status cannot relate. Also, if logical puzzle cannot be solved, causes anxiety. M-44 O-61 T-94 I-77 V-88 pros I always think realistically cons I always second guess myself because I don't want to give false information. M-66 O-94 T-100 I-61 V-38 I think I scored highest on the Logical reward drive because I hold these beliefs simultaneously: I believe there is a reason for everything but I also believe there is no god/higher power. Using logic is the way I make sense of things that make no sense... I strongly believe that being reasonable and thinking through things and talking about problems solves conflict/confusion better than acting with an emotional reaction of any kind. Even with that belief, though, I still recognize the value of emotion and the importance of instinct. M-44 O-44 T-94 I-66 V-38 I do not trust gut instinct intuition as it could be faulty. Ultimately, all must be subjected to a logical review before action can be allowed. Cons: Slows me down considerably, as all actions muct be consciously approved in order to avoid error based on emotion. M-72 O-61 T-88 I-33 V-16 I think of myself as a rational person. I like to be in control ( that's why I don't like getting drunk , but I drink socially), I was given difficult tasks since when I was a kid. Single mother's Daughter. M-66 O-55 T-83 I-72 V-50 Successfully connecting the dots/finding an answer to a difficult question is rewarding to me. This is something I exercise in all aspects of my life. I try to reason out why people I know do certain things or why people have the traits they do. I try to figure out a "why" for just about everything. This has led me to develop a strong interest in science (especially physics), psychology and philosophy. I am very curious about myself and the world around me and how things relate to one another. I think that is the main motivation for my logical reward drive. M-50 O-72 T-100 I-27 V-61 I think I scored high in the logical reward drive because I feel the need for everything to make sense. The world may look like it is pointless if things cannot be certain and logical. Things are posible only if they make sense. Logical pros: discovery of truth, sense of direction, structured world (that can be defined can be experienced, and only then can it exist) Logical cons: inability to understand the dificult to explain or experience, inability to find logic to existencial and practical questions, leading to a strange "optimistic nihilist" philosophy, which then leads to an impractical way of life. M-72 O-61 T-94 I-66 V-22 Rationality is the best way to process and understand the world. Without logical decisions and analysis you're acting blindly and it could have negative consequences (ex, disasters, global warming, starvation, deforestation, extinctions or on a smaller scale overspending, being manipulated by advertisements, etc.) which might have been avoided. In order to understand the world one must explore all of the underlying information and this task is best undertaken through a rational approach. It's important to listen to intuition as well because it's related to information that's been processed unconsciously and gives more insight on how you perceive the world and other information from your senses much of which doesn't reach your conscious mind. I would say part of the motivation for the logical reward drive is related to information addiction. I've heard that one of the most important ideas in psychology is that people want to understand and control their environment and people with a logical reward drive do so through information. Logic and the accumulation of information are some of my favorite things and they have been since I was very young. I've always read a lot because I found it more interesting and engaging that anything else (studies have shown that the brain is processing more bits of information during reading that other activities)I was raised by two engineers and everyone in my extended family is fairly smart and rational and reads prolifically so I would say it's genetic. I love math because it's logical and engaging and as I continue to learn higher math this logical reward drive is reenforced. This might relate to addiction again because math problems are addictive in that you get a huge rush of endorphins from answering a problem correctly, especially if it's difficult. Pros are a better understanding of logical systems, the world and people's actions, etc. Cons are a sort of cold disconnection, I have a lot of out of body experiences and it takes a lot of conscious effort to escape my rational mind sometimes but I use art, music and drugs to reconnect. Painting is a meditative process that helps me with my mind and body connection and I also see it as a rational pursuit/exploration. M-94 O-94 T-100 I-50 V-5 As for my high score on the logical (I'm assuming, as this was my highest, that this is labeled "Intellect"), I think I am like this because nothing makes me happier than understanding how things work and making connections between seemingly unrelated things. Pros: I have a pretty good understanding of people and things, mostly things. My broad interests make it easy to learn. I have no real trouble learning to speak a new language. Cons: I tend to ignore the emotional side of things if it makes me uncomfortable, I often have a hard time understanding emotions. I am a woman and people tend to expect me to be more caring than I am... I suppose this might be more of a con for other people than for me. M-61 O-88 T-100 I-50 V-72 In my mind everything just has to make sense... pros: when it comes to working out situations, It can be approached calmly and thought through well. cons: never take any risks. M-83 O-22 T-100 I-33 V-44 I prize logic over emotion because emotions are irrational and untrustworthy. Racism, hatred, ignorance, panic and fear either are, or have the potential to be, horrific hinderances to a just society, and they are all motivated by gut emotion. Hence, logic is the key to tempering these ills and formulating truth, fairness and equality. M-38 O-94 T-94 I-44 V-27 I think I rely highly on logic because that way I am less likely to fail, therefore avoiding disappointing others or myself. M-94 O-77 T-94 I-88 V-33 When I make decisions based on logic, especially important ones, often times the truly logical conclusion is what my gut/instinct urged in the first place. When the logical decision conflicts with my instinct, but I still follow through on the logical choice, I'm usually rewarded with a positive outcome, which has reinforced my using logic-over-feelings decision making. I'm not sure how I got to be so logic-dependent, but I think it stems from a youth of feeling like I had no control over situations that came up. I pushed myself to make logical conclusions on the fly which resulted in me being calm in emergency situations, and able to make quick calculations based on a multitude of factors when action is called for. M-38 O-72 T-100 I-61 V-27 I have spent too much of my life going on by what I feel like, instead of deciding with logic or my brain. I tend to not rely on my feelings or emotions anymore becuase sometimes they may not be right. M-50 O-77 T-88 I-72 V-66 Well, I've always been logical. I don't quite understand how decisions could possibly be based on emotions, as your emotional state is always fluctuating, and if you decide to make your decisions based on a feeling, then that very same decision would differ depending on what emotional state you happen to be in at the time. When thinking logically, whether you're happy, or sad, or excited, or anxious, the decision will always be the same, and will never lead you to do something irrational that you would only regret when, once again, you mood changed. Truth is, I can't tell you WHY I'm a logical thinker, because I simply can't understand why it would benefit to think any differently. M-67 O-56 T-94 I-78 V-61 I really don't know why I am the way I am. I know that I've always been driven by rationality and it has led to me becoming an engineer. On the downside I have been accused of not caring about the people around me. I know that that is not true and people who manage to get close to me eventually realise that. I think the empirism trait in me showed very early during my childhood (maybe at three or four years of age). I've always had a strong desire to understand how things I see work. M-22 O-88 T-100 I-50 V-61 I would never discount gut/instincts if an "instant" decision must be made but, if time allows, Logic must be the best decision making tool...If one really seeks a logical outcome. M-44 O-72 T-100 I-5 V-61 Tend to value information, high level of self control over emotions, former negative experiences. Tendency to hangout with intellectual people who enjoy debate. I find it easier to weigh pros and cons to make decisions as I do not want to regret. M-100 O-66 T-94 I-5 V-50 I am a very cautious person. I have always been hurt when I went with a gut instinct instead of thinking things through. I was also raised a strict Nazarene with many rules for behavior, actions, and dress. M-38 O-27 T-88 I-77 V-55 I guess this is because throughout my life I have had to learn the unfortunate lesson that logic and reality are two different things. I believe that logic should play a larger role in society today, and that guts and feelings should be left to gambling or specific corporate decisions. I am definitely a problem-solver, and so logic also plays a large role when trying to look at things from all sides and to be objective. If more people based their decisions on logic then simply based on their feelings we might find ourselves in a less confusing world. M-94 O-94 T-94 I-72 V-83 I prefer to use logic over emotion or gut instinct because sometimes feelings or instincts can be wrong. I prefer seeing some facts to validate my emotion or instinct. UNLESS it is a dangerous situation, then I would trust my gut first and reassess and check for facts later. M-22 O-61 T-100 I-44 V-88 I am particularly sensitive, so my responses don't always fit the situation. For me, emotions should be a catalyst for thought. I can then arrive at the appropriate actions. Also, in many situations one can take out a general emotional state in a specific situation. Acting out like this can lead to complete alienation. I also see emotion as being limiting; at times, it narrows one's perception. On a more personal note, I naturally gravitate towards extreme negative emotions when I resist being logical. I suspect it's the expression of the survival drive. Appealing to logic allows me to escape the moment and place it in a greater context. That being said, for me, negative states act as drives. My current view is that happiness should momentary and something that you (I) always strive for. M-50 O-77 T-94 I-33 V-66 Love of science. M-33 O-77 T-88 I-66 V-66 I've noticed i use both my instincts and logic to process things. I tend to use my instincts to pick up possibilities or things I sense and then I go over the possibilities I've found using logic to check if I'm right. M-55 O-77 T-94 I-77 V-72 As you get older - I'm 50 - your intellect and instincts sync together. I know why my instincts redlight a situation or person, and have the experience to think my way past the warning; earlier in life, I reacted to my instincts without understanding them, and had little control over the fight/flight response. M-22 O-77 T-88 I-72 V-61 I think I prefer using logic over feelings/gut/instincts as it(logic) is my "safety net". In the first 8 years of my school life I switched schools around 7 times due to my fathers job. Most of those times where before Year 4, the last change of school I had was in year 8, 3 years ago now. Again and again I "learned" that making friends is bad/worthless and only ends up hurting you. I have recovered quite a bit since then and have a great social life with many good friends. Logic was my one constant, it never let me down, I could always trust my own intellect to figure things out, I was always the "smart kid" in class, in each new school kids would say things like that and it would give me a buzz. This spurred me on and In my fourth year of schooling, when applying for the strict, private school I was off the charts in my reading age. Sorry If I rambled on. I have an intense interest in psychological phenomenon and trying to figure out peoples motives, learning from their body language. Pros of valuing logic above gut feelings etc Can fairly easily make decisions that other people would consider hard to make or wrong, because that is their "feeling" and they haven't really thought about it. People that value logic highly would, like me(I hope) strive to learn about whatever interests them, giving them better employment prospects. Cons: These may not be true for all people with a strong logical drive, but they are for me: Don't enjoy life as much as they can Often seen as "uncaring" when they might just not see the point in being sad when being sad won't change what happened Can be excluded from social situations for being "boring" "strict" etc. M-66 O-94 T-94 I-44 V-50 Have always had a need to understand. Within my family and other social circles this has made me an anomaly. As for feeling/emotion, I learned very early that it was not to be trusted standing alone - the tendancy in so doing is hedonism. I enjoy a great many things including close relationship, but these must include intellectual exchange, learning, teaching, growing, improving... I do appreciate that sometimes this hinges on just being together. M-16 O-88 T-94 I-66 V-44 I use logic as a self-control mechanism. My typical emotion is anger, so to counter my destructive urges I utilize rational thinking so that I may be productive in society. M-83 O-83 T-88 I-72 V-66 Logic is my gut instincts... pro-not obeying the GPS when I know its wrong even though its a computer. CON- Thinking I know what to do in a certain situation and that I am absolutely 100% correct on impulse. M-44 O-66 T-88 I-55 V-38 Being a combat vet (Combat Medic). I lived and almost DIED based on my decisions (including the lives of other young men and women). LOGIC is the only thing that drives my decisions.. not my feelings (personal or not). my instincts occasionally will drive for an extra factor when considering something but logic rationale is paramount every time. Staying calm in situations where other people would be running around like a chicken without a head is something else I pride myself on... it's hard to remain calm; especially when it's someone's life on the line and less your own. M-66 O-100 T-100 I-88 V-83 I am a troubleshooter by trade. I am convinced that all problems can be solved with logic or brute force, I have proven this on many occassions. M-22 O-50 T-94 I-0 V-66 I would guess that the reason I scored highly on the Logical drive is that with logic, things can be less "messy" and flawed. Decisions are easier without emotions conflicting. Logic is about sense, and I guess because I tend to be very emotionally frantic, I would prefer to try it the other way, more rationally, than I have thus far. M-55 O-33 T-88 I-72 V-22 I prefer using logic to make decisions because my emotions are too erratic. If I were to make a decision out of anger I might hurt myself more than the person that I was angry with. I do not like to make decisions based on negative emotions. They are, in general, likely to be bad decisions. I try to stop myself from acting on my emotions in a negative context. I'm more inclined to make an illogical decision based on sympathy & kindness. This probably feeds into the rush you get from doing something nice for someone. I will do something, even if it is not in my best interest, if I think the cause is worth it. But, even in this, I tend to calculate how it will affect me & those important to me. M-50 O-77 T-88 I-66 V-66 |
*for a low score assume the opposite of the above. the descriptions listed here are made up of personality items. people who scored high on this type scored higher on the above items compared to the average. (more info on construction) |